Basic Life Support BLS
Serving North Texas and surrounding areas
Course Description

The BLS for Healthcare Providers course is designed to provide a wide variety of certified or non-certified, licensed or non-licensed, healthcare professionals with the skills to keep people alive until they can be brought to a hospital or be treated with more advanced lifesaving measures.
Course Description:
- Physicians & Nurses
- Paramedics & ER Medical Techs
- Physician Assistants
- Residents or fellows
- Medical or Nursing Students in Training
- First responders, such as Police Officers and Firefighters
- Aides, Medical or Nursing Assistants, and other Allied Health Personnel
- First responders, such as Police Officers and Firefighters
- Laypeople whose work brings them into contact with members of the public, such as school, fitness center, or hotel and restaurant employees.
This Course Covers:
- Adult and Pediatric CPR
- Foreign-body Airway Obstruction
- Automated External Defibrillation
- Special Resuscitation Situations
- Stroke and Cardiac Arrest
- Other Cardiopulmonary Emergencies
- Two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag-valve mask
If You're a Healthcare Professional, You Will Need To Take This Course!